Introduction to "The New World Order" by H.G Wells: World Collectivization
The following links are shownotes from my video “Introduction to "The New World Order" by H.G Wells: World Collectivization”, a Rokfin & Patreon exclusive. Be sure to subscribe here below, and check out my videos/documentaries on Rokfin, Youtube, and Bitchute! ***FREE COPY OF THE BOOK BELOW (.PDF)***
Full video on Rokfin:
A brief introduction to "The New World Order" by H.G Wells. Mandatory reading if you are seeking to understand the roots of the ideas behind the global policy framework we see being rolled out around us as we speak. SOURCES BELOW!
First, bookmark this link, it is all my video/social media/content links in one place:
"The New World Order" by H.G Wells (FULL PDF): Celebrating H.G
Wells' role in the creation of the UN Declaration of Human Rights:
H.G. Wells, "New World Order" (A Critique):
I wanted to include the following link because it’s a pretty brief critique of the “conspiracy theorist’s” perspective on H.G Wells, and uses an Alex Jones documentary that features a quote by Wells to do so. The author in short is asserting that the “conspiracy theorists” have Wells’ idea of a “New World Order” misunderstood, and that a particular quote from the book is not referring to the average middle class citizen.
However, I find this to be such a strange “debunk”. It doesn’t really debunk anything; to say that we are wrong because we interpreted the quote to mean that the middle class was going to be fighting the New World Order and dying - instead of the upper class, which is what Wells actually means - doesn’t really “debunk” the idea that, regardless, someone will be fighting the New World Order and dying. Isn’t that all that matters? Who cares who it is exactly? How about, just - no one dies?
Besides, a debunk of this type is sort of pointless in that it isn’t like Wells is calling for a future where humanity is enslaved anyway, or a future where the population is unable to speak freely. Wells technically promotes the idea of implementing some form of worldwide communism, a future where society is collectivized into a singular global culture (and become “global citizens”) where everyone has a place to belong, all have the means to be productive and live comfortably, as well as generally live comfortably in harmony with nature. Wells wants this future to come to fruition not through force, but rather through establishing a mutual, guiding directive to move toward some objective that we as “global citizens” deemed fruitful, worthwhile, whatever it might be. Sort of like, “you should derive pleasure from performing services that make you and the planet healthier”.
See, all of that is great, right? That’s my point: it isn’t so much what Wells calls for itself that is problematic….it’s just that, the type of global power structure he naively wishes to manifest (seems to me) to be inevitably destined to be exploited, bastardized, and raped. Perhaps some famous critique I have yet to hear about is floating around out there that explains how it is Wells expected such a global system to be installed and maintained….maybe it explains how Wells expected Man, being the animal that he is, to organize humanity through a pure heart instead of use the power of technology to usurp global control by centralizing power and propagandizing the populous until they are conditioned to accept the current situation.
So, what’s the deal with Wells? Was he aware of any thought-out, engineered “conspiracy” to seize control of the world and implement a one world government? Or are these books just the musings of a sharp mind? Was Wells’ freakishly accurate predictions a product of some greater intuition, or was it simply knowledge he was privy to given his prestigious position in society?