The Fabian Takeover Plan: The Slow March Toward Total Enslavement
An analysis of Eric Butler's essay "The Fountainhead of the Socialist Conspiracy"
These are the shownotes for my video “The Fabian Takeover Plan: The Slow March Toward Total Enslavement”. The full video can be found on Youtube, Bitchute, and Rokfin. It was originally streamed live on Rokfin, Youtube, DLive, and Twitch.
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Fountainhead of the Socialist Conspiracy, Eric D. Butler (FULL ESSAY) (PDF download)
Aternative link:
• I've said for a long time that the powers that we are up against is a group, or several groups, that have been around for at least a century, slowly and gradually moving toward their final vision of the future: a centralized, scientifically-planned one world government, one that is heavily reliant on technology.
• The ideas of people like H.G Wells, Julian Huxley, and his brother Aldous Huxley all describe a similar future; a comprehensive revolution of thought that leads to some form of global socialism.
Eric Butler’s essay “The Fountainhead of the Socialist Conspiracy” wonderfully articulates the early days of the Fabian Society from its formation in the 1880s, and exposes just how influential this organization became over time. It is an outline of its associates, supporters, and members….as well as a break down of whom they most influence.
Full video:
• The Fabian Society was founded on January 4th, 1884.
• According to Wikipedia: The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow. The Fabian Society was also historically related to radicalism, a left-wing liberal tradition.
• As one of the founding organisations of the Labour Representation Committee in 1900, and as an important influence upon the Labour Party which grew from it, the Fabian Society has had a powerful influence on British politics.
• *** The Fabian Society founded the London School of Economics in 1895.
• Today, the society functions primarily as a think tank and is one of 20 socialist societies affiliated with the Labour Party. Similar societies exist in Australia (the Australian Fabian Society), in Canada (the Douglas–Coldwell Foundation and the now-disbanded League for Social Reconstruction), in Sicily (Sicilian Fabian Society) and in New Zealand (The NZ Fabian Society).
• Early Fabian Views: The first Fabian Society pamphlets advocating tenets of social justice coincided with the zeitgeist of Liberal reforms during the early 1900s, including eugenics.
- Fabian socialists were in favour of reforming the foreign policy of the British Empire as a conduit for internationalist reform, and were in favour of a capitalist welfare state modelled on the Bismarckian German model.
- ***In 1900 the Society produced Fabianism and the Empire, the first statement of its views on foreign affairs, drafted by Bernard Shaw. It claimed that the classical liberal political economy was outdated and that imperialism was the new stage of the international polity. The question was whether Britain would be the centre of a WORLD EMPIRE or whether it would lose its colonies and end up as just two islands in the North Atlantic.
• One of the prominent elites the Fabians wanted to recruit in their early days was writer H.G Wells. Given his widespread fame and his incredible ability to communicate socialist ideas, the Fabians thought he would make a great ally.
- Wells accepted an invitation to join the society in 1903. However, it is said that Wells was unable to be controlled by the Fabians, so the period of time after his membership began was a turbulent one.
- Wells openly criticized the group from the very beginning, and in 1906 he wrote a paper called "The Faults of the Fabian" addressed directly to other Fabian members.
Key Fabian Society Members:
• Sidney Webb & Beatrice Webb
• George Bernard Shaw (the playright)
Eric Butler (Wiki):
• Eric Dudley Butler was born May 7th, 1916, and died on June 7th, 2006. He was an Australian political activist and journalist, and in 1946 he founded the far-right Australian League of Rights which he would lead until 1992. • He was known as a staunch anti-communist and virulent anti-Semite (according to Wikipedia)
• Early in his life Butler served in the Australian Army during World War II.
• Politicial Activities and Publishing Career:
- By the time Butler left the army, his political activities were under surveillance by Australian security authorities, as documents in the Australian archives indicate.[citation needed] In July 1940 the Victorian publicity censor, Crayton Burns (father of Creighton Burns, a later editor of The Age), wrote: "I have taken steps to warn the provincial and country press that the activities of this gentleman and his assistants are being closely watched by the authorities. There is no doubt that the general trend of their propaganda is damaging to the financial side of the war effort."
- In December 1941, the Commonwealth's chief publicity censor, E.G. Bonney, banned a series of Butler's New Times articles, one of which described Soviet Russia as "a Jewish slave state ... controlled by international Jewish financiers in New York."
- In 1945, Attorney-General, Dr H.V. Evatt, began an inquiry into Butler's activities. He told Parliament: "In the opinion of the Director-General of Security, Butler has written articles constituting an attempt to create adverse public reaction to war loan campaigns and to the war effort generally."[3] Butler was not charged.
H.G Wells' Politics + Fabian Involvement: